Cecilia Gimenez, who is in her 80s, was reportedly upset at the way the fresco had deteriorated and took it on herself to "restore" the image. She claimed to have had the permission of the priest to carry out the job.
"(The) priest knew it! He did! How could you do something like that without permission? He knew it!"
BBC Europe correspondent Christian Fraser says the delicate brush strokes of Elias Garcia Martinez have been buried under a haphazard splattering of paint. The once-dignified portrait now resembles a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic, he says. The woman appears to have realised she was out of her depth and contacted Juan Maria Ojeda, the city councillor in charge of cultural affairs. Teresa Garcia, granddaughter of Elias Garcia Martinez, said the woman had painted the tunic before, but the fresco got disfigured when she painted Christ's head.
Art historians are expected to meet at the church soon to discuss how to proceed. Mr Ojeda said: "I think she had good intentions. Next week she will meet with a repairer and explain what kind of materials she used. "If we can't fix it, we will probably cover the wall with a photo of the painting." The fresco is not thought to be very valuable, but has a high sentimental value for local people. Our correspondent says that to make matters worse, the local centre that works to preserve artworks had just received a donation from the painter's granddaughter which they had planned to use to restore the original fresco.
(BBC Europe)
要は、スペインのとある教会にある、キリストが描かれたとあるフレスコ壁画が近年湿気で崩れかけていたところ(トップ画像;左)、素人のお婆さん(Cecilia Gimenezさん)が勝手に修復を始め、出来上がったのがなんと画像のような猿にしか見えない下手っぴな絵(笑)だったのでした。
一応、善意で行った行為であるため、関係者らはなんとも気まずい心境なのでしょうが、このあり得ない修復劇に世界のネットユーザーは大ウケww この絵を使ったコラージュ画像が大量に作られる程の人気で、ついには問題の壁画を自ら修復することができるという画期的なサイトまでが誕生したのでした。
そして、最後に紹介したいのが、『アクセル・ワールド』(川原 礫、合鴨ひろゆき/アスキー・メディアワークス) 。こちらもラノベ原作のマンガだが、主人公がものすごく小柄なため、黒雪姫をはじめとした萌え系のかわいいい女の子たちがみんな巨大に見えるという異色作だ。